阅读:4511 2020-11-12


Renovation of Ancient Village – Han Ling, designed by DC Alliance·c+d Design Research Center , is granted the Bronze Award by DFA Design for Asia Awards 2020.



Aerial view of Han Ling


Faced with a place like Han Ling with a rich history, we are notabout to be a creator, but a person who has the honor to accompany with HanLing to get through this journey. Although it has faced several changes in the its history of thousands of years, Han Ling keeps its own characteristics all the time. What we need to do in the design is to select some "newtenants" with humility and awe to the place to inherit this characteristic.

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Water street scene of Han Ling

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Daily life in Alley of Han Ling


DFA 亚洲最具影响力设计奖

Recognition of exceptional designs: 
DFA Design for Asia Awards


The DFA Design for Asia Awards is the flagship program of the Hong Kong Design Centre, celebrating design excellence and acknowledging outstanding designs with Asian perspectives. Since its launch in 2003, the DFA Design for Asia Awards has been a stage upon which design talents and corporations can showcase their design projects internationally.

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本年度的 DFA 亚洲最具影响力设计奖收到来自 20 个国家超过 1,000 份作品。经奖项的国际评审团评审后,最终有 197 个设计元素获奖,包括 12 个大奖、 8 个大奖优异作品,及 177 个组别奖。

This year, DFA DFAA received more than 1,000 entries from 20 economies by open entry. A total of 197 awardees were recognised,including 12 Grand Awards, 8 Grand Award with Special Mention and 177 category awards. 

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其他获奖作品还有如恩设计的阿那亚艺术中心,萨夫迪建筑事务所的星耀樟宜机场,MVRDV的河乐广场,UCCA沙丘,青山周平B.L.U.E. 建筑设计事务所的% Arabica上海建国西路店,Sasaki的徐汇跑道公园等优秀项目。

Other winners include Anaya Art Center by Neri&Hu, Changi Airport by Safdie Architects, Tainan Spring by MVRDV, UCCA Dune, And  Shuhei Aoyama's B.L.U.E. Architectural design firm designed %Arabica Jianguo West Road store in Shanghai, Sasaki designed Xuhui Runway Park and other excellent projects.

▽ 古村里的新房客

New tenants in ancient villages

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Aerial view of Han Ling

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