KPF和Heatherwick Studio成功中标新加坡樟宜机场5号航站楼设计项目
阅读:14029 2018-04-17

Kohn Pedersen Fox(KPF)和Heatherwick Studio很高兴地宣布,被新加坡樟宜机场管理和运营方樟宜机场集团选为机场新建5号航站楼的主要设计方。


KPF、Heatherwick Studio和Architects 61建筑设计事务所将与其他多家设计顾问联手完成该项目,如James Corner Field Operations, The Fountain Workshop, Speirs + Major, Lichtvision Design, Bruce Mau Design以及Entro. Arup, Motts McDonald,Surbana Jurong将担任工程设计团队牵头方。


对于KPF来说,这一项目是过去四十年来成功交付多个具有重要意义基础设施和城市项目的自然发展结果。KPF曾完成世界各地多个航站楼项目,包括近期完工的阿布扎比国际机场中场航站楼。樟宜机场5号航站楼的设计委托巩固了KPF在此类大型的、复杂程度极高的国际机场航站楼项目的全球设计领先地位。KPF在大型项目中能够取得成功归功于公司致力于使已建环境超越其物理面积,最大限度地发挥空间作用。在东京六本木新城、纽约哈德逊广场和香港Victoria Dockside等活力社区和城市中心项目设计中,KPF获取了对文化,社区等概念的更加深刻的理解。

樟宜机场5号航站楼为Heatherwick Studio多样化的国际项目作品中增添了重要的一笔。公司自1994年建立以来,一直致力于以人类体验为中心的场所营造。超大规模和具有国际重要性的5号航站楼项目为其实践这一设计手法提供了绝佳机会。

KPF在大型基础设施和城市社区方面的丰富经验与Heatherwick Studio的创新设计专长相结合,将成功打造一个超越单纯交通功能的机场,形成新加坡内一个完善的“微型城市”。640.webp.jpg

James Von Klemperer 



“非常兴奋,KPF能与Heatherwick Studio以及Architects 61建筑设计事务所共同合作为世界最瞩目的航空项目提供设计服务。作为全球大型重要项目建筑设计领头者,KPF非常高兴能有机会推动机场类项目的建设发展。我们非常荣幸能与樟宜机场集团合作,打造全新的航站楼,为新加坡设计充满活力的航空门户,重新定义航空旅行体验。”

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Forth Bagley 


Managing Principal640.webp (2).jpg

Dominic Dunn 


Managing Principal

“除了与Heatherwick Studio的合作之外,我们也非常兴奋能与全球顶级创新家、航空专家和专业人士组成的跨专业团队合作,包括James Corner Field Operations建筑设计事务所以及Speirs+Major公司。新加坡专家团队是我们设计团队的核心。我们的合作伙伴,新加坡Architects 61建筑设计事务所将领导专业的建筑设计团队,凭借团队成员丰富而值得信赖的项目经验,打造亚洲最具影响力的基础设施项目。”

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Trent Tesch


Design Principal

“我非常期待就樟宜机场5号航站楼设计与Heatherwick Studio的Thomas及其同事合作。KPF与Heatherwick Studio将在项目展开前所未有的合作。在本次合作中,我们将充分发挥无与伦比的创造性以将机场设计推到一个崭新的时代。我所面临的挑战是激发我们全球一流的设计团队发挥最大潜力为新加坡打造地标建筑,提升城市旅游体验以及新加坡本身的形象。”

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Thomas Heatherwick

Founder of Heatherwick Studio


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Stuart Wood

Heatherwick Studio

Group Leader

“我们与KPF一起在樟宜机场5号航站楼全球竞标中获胜。这是Heatherwick Studio所面临的最具挑战性的一个机遇。本项目拥有空前规模及宏伟目标。我们很高兴有机会参与打造一个值得纪念的新航站楼,在每个层面,即从大型基础设施、航空、轨道交通、商业、休闲及文化设施以及最微小的细节,给予人们启发。我们希望在将5号航站楼打造成最舒适自在的建筑的同时,也使得其成为未来数年全球最壮观的机场建筑。”

About Changi Airport


About Kohn Pedersen Fox

KPF建筑事务所是一家国际知名的建筑设计公司,为公共及私营领域客户提供建筑设计、室内设计及总体规划服务。KPF 在全球设有六个分公司,共有550多名员工。员工来自43个不同的国家,能说40多种语言。KPF参与项目类型多样,包括办公、酒店、住宅、教育、市政、交通及以及城市综合体项目。这些项目遍及全球逾35个国家。事务所全体员工致力于为每个项目寻求最佳方案,在这个共同目标的激励下携手共进,不断努力。我们坚信最优秀的设计来源于摆脱偏见和程式化思维的开放式探索。


广州周大福金融中心/CTF Guangzhou Tower

首尔世界大厦/Lotte World Tower

上海董家渡金融城/Dongjiadu Financial Center

纽约哈德逊广场/Hudson Yards

阿布扎比国际机场/Abu Dhabi International Airport

About Heatherwick Studio






外滩金融中心/Bund Finance Centre

1000 Trees, Shanghai

上海世博英国馆/UK Pavilion at Shanghai World Expo

Zeitz MOCAA, Cape Town, South Africa

Kohn Pedersen Fox and Heatherwick Studio Selected for Design of Singapore Changi Airport Terminal 5

Kohn Pedersen Fox (KPF) and Heatherwick Studio are pleased to announce their selection by Changi Airport Group, the manager and operator of Singapore Changi Airport, as the design leaders of the airport’s new Terminal 5.

The collaboration brings together two award-winning and internationally recognized practices with extensive experience designing innovative urban spaces and specialized infrastructure projects.

Working as design partners, KPF and Heatherwick Studio, with Architects 61 will be joined by a team of design consultants, including James Corner Field Operations, The Fountain Workshop, Speirs + Major, Lichtvision Design, and Bruce Mau Design with Entro. Arup, Motts McDonald, and Surbana Jurong will serve as leaders of the engineering team.

Changi Airport Terminal 5 will add an initial capacity of up to 50 million passengers per year to what is already one of the busiest and most celebrated international airports in the world. The magnitude of the project not only requires a design vision on a city-like scale, but also offers the opportunity to transform conventional thinking in airport design.

For KPF, the project is the natural progression of a 40-year history of delivering infrastructure and urban projects of international significance. The firm’s airport experience includes major terminals across the world, such as the nearly completed Midfield Terminal Complex at the Abu Dhabi International Airport. The commission of Changi Airport Terminal 5 cements KPF as one of the global design leaders of the largest, most complex international airport terminals. KPF’s success in the execution of projects of immense scale proceeds from the firm’s intention to make contributions to the built environment that go beyond their physical footprint. The firm has gleaned its deep understanding of culture and community through the design of vibrant, mixed-use neighborhoods and urban centers including Roppongi Hills in Tokyo, Hudson Yards in New York City, and Victoria Dockside in Hong Kong.

Changi Airport Terminal 5 is a hugely significant addition to Heatherwick Studio’s diverse international portfolio. Since it was founded in 1994 the studio has created places focused on human experience. Terminal 5’s vast scale and international importance presents one of the studio’s greatest opportunities for this approach.

The combination of KPF’s experience in both large-scale infrastructure and urban neighborhoods, paired with the innovative design expertise of Heatherwick Studio, will create an airport that will go beyond mere transportation requirements and become a city within itself - an integral piece of Singapore.

James von Klemperer

President, KPF

“KPF and Heatherwick Studio, together with Architects 61, are excited to announce our collaboration for the design of the world’s most significant aviation project. As a global leader in designing buildings of major scale and significance, we welcome this opportunity to advance the airport typology.  We’re proud to be working with Changi Airport Group to deliver a terminal that will redefine the way we experience air travel, and provide a new, dynamic gateway to Singapore.”

Forth Bagley and Dominic Dunn

Managing Principals, KPF

“In addition to our collaboration with Heatherwick Studio, we are thrilled to be joined by a multi-disciplinary team of world-class global innovators, aviation experts, and specialists including James Corner Field Operations, and Speirs and Major. In turn, Singapore-based expertise is a major emphasis of this team’s make-up. Our partner, Architects 61 of Singapore, will lead a talented group of architects with a proven track record of delivering some of Asia's most impactful infrastructure projects.”

 Trent Tesch

Design Principal, KPF

“I look forward to collaborating with Thomas and his colleagues at Heatherwick Studio on the design of Changi Airport Terminal 5. In this unprecedented collaboration between KPF and Heatherwick Studio, we will bring unparalleled creativity to a new era of airport design. My challenge will be to bring out the best of our world-class design team and create a landmark for Singapore that elevates the urban travel experience and the profile of Singapore itself.”

Thomas Heatherwick

Founder of Heatherwick Studio

“It’s thrilling to be chosen to lead the design of the next phase of the world’s most successful airport, collaborating with KPF to nearly double the size of Changi. This is an extraordinary opportunity to break away from the sterility and soullessness we’ve come to expect from typical airport environments. We’re excited to treat this next phase of Changi as a new piece of city and bring together the rigor of airport planning with an uncompromising interest in the quality of human experience for passengers.”

 Stuart Wood

Group Leader, Heatherwick Studio

“Winning the global competition with KPF to design Changi Airport Terminal 5 sets us the most challenging opportunity Heatherwick Studio has ever undertaken. The scale and ambition of this project is unprecedented. We are delighted to have the opportunity to make a memorable new terminal for Changi that inspires at every scale from mega infrastructure, aviation, transit, retail, leisure and culture through to the tiniest detail. Our hope is to make Terminal 5 the most homely and, at the same time, most spectacular airport in the world for many years to come.”

About Changi Airport 

Changi Airport is the world's sixth busiest airport for international traffic. It served a record 62.2 million passengers from around the globe and handled 2.13 million tons of airfreight throughput in 2017. Changi Airport has 400 retail and service stores, as well as 140 F&B outlets. With over 100 airlines providing connectivity to 400 cities worldwide, Changi Airport handles about 7,200 flights every week, or about one every 80 seconds.

About Kohn Pedersen Fox

Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates (KPF) is one of the world’s pre-eminent architecture firms, providing architecture, interior, programming, and master planning services for clients in both the public and private sectors. Operating as one firm with six global offices, 550+ staff members come from 43 different countries and speak more than 40 languages. KPF’s diverse portfolio comprises corporate, hospitality, residential, academic, civic, transportation, and mixed-use projects located in more than 35 countries. The goal that binds our work – and what motivates our efforts – is finding the smartest solution for each project. We believe that the best design is the product of an open-minded search, one without preconceptions or stylistic formulae.

The firm’s current work includes the master plan for Hudson Yards in Manhattan, as well as three towers on the site. Last year, the firm completed work on Lotte World Tower in Seoul, CTF Tower in Guangzhou, and Ping An Financial Centre in Shenzhen, each of which joined the list of the world’s ten tallest towers.  

About Heatherwick Studio

Heatherwick Studio is a team of 180 problem solvers dedicated to making the physical world around us better for everyone.

Based in a combined workshop and design studio in Central London, we create buildings, spaces, master plans, objects, and infrastructure. Focusing on large-scale projects in cities all over the world, we prioritize those with the greatest positive social impact.

Working as practical inventors with no signature style, our motivation is to design soulful and interesting places which embrace and celebrate the complexities of the real world. The approach driving everything is to lead from human experience rather than any fixed design dogma.

The studio’s multi award winning completed projects include Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa in Cape Town; the Learning Hub at Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University; and the UK Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo 2010.

The studio is currently working on 30 projects in ten countries, with a combined construction value of £6 billion. These include a new 16-story landmark for Hudson Yards in Manhattan; major new headquarters for Google in Silicon Valley and London (in collaboration with BIG); and a new retail quarter for London that makes use of two historic coal drops buildings.

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